Increase in NLW and Minimum Wage 1st April 2019

From the 1st April 2019 there will be an increase in the national living wage and minimum wage.

The below shows the increases and what this will mean for you.

If you have any concerns or would like any career advise, feel free to get in touch and we will be happy to have a chat.

Current Rate   Future Rate            Increase
  • NLW                            £7.83               £8.21                            4.9%
  • 21-24 rate                   £7.38               £7.70                             4.3%
  • 18-20 rate                   £5.90               £6.15                             4.2%
  • 16-17 rate                   £4.20               £4.35                             3.6%
  • Apprentice rate          £3.70              £3.90                             5.4%